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North Shore Winery

Cut Face Rosé

Cut Face Rosé

This wine is our first wine made using the traditional Saingeé technique for rosé. We started with a co-fermentation of Merlot and Zinfandel, and after a day of fermentation, we bled some of the liquid from the fermenting tank, creating two lots of wine. The original tank was left to continue fermenting, with the skins and seeds still macerating in the wine, creating a darker more intense wine due to the reduced liquid volume. The other lot, the 'bled' wine, was lighter in color because it finished its fermentation without any skins or seeds - That lot is this wine! 

For a rosé, this wine is bold and intense, instead of the 'rosé all day' mentality, consider drinking this rather than a red on a summer day when a red wine is not what you are reaching for. 

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