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North Shore Winery

Herbie's Blend

Herbie's Blend
Our most popular cider blend

Our friend Herbie taps maple trees north of the Cider House to make Caribou Cream maple syrup. This blend made with a blend of Minnesota apples and is sweetened with Herbie’s delicious syrup. Herbie's Blend is the sweetest of our ciders, which all lean toward the drier side. The rich dark flavors from the syrup complement the crisp acidity of the apples to make a lovely sessionable cider.

Check out this tasting video by our winemaker, Chuck Corliss!

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SKU: 2021HerbiesBlendBottle750ML
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Product Reviews

connie carpenter's Gravatar
connie carpenter
(Oct 25, 2018 at 12:57 PM)
the flavor POPS, but is so mellow and crisp... this is just the best apple you ever tasted.! Oh - and yes, it is a hard cider, but this is one to just sip...

Luke Dragseth's Gravatar
Luke Dragseth
(Feb 13, 2021 at 7:51 PM)
A wonderful smooth cider. The usual tangy flavor of a an apple cider is softened by the sweet taste of maple syrup. A perfect cider for fall or winter nights.

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